At the Herbelin Family Farm, we do things differently, because we see things differently…

“Loving God,

Loving People,

Loving Animals & Earth”

is more than a catchy phrase.

It defines everything we do.

We uphold an unprecedented standard of care for our amazing birdies. We have a mantra;

“No Chickie Left Behind”.

And we hold to that. You will be hard pressed to find any hatchery (large or small) that attempts to save every chick’s life, and has invested thousands of dollars into veterinary care for their breeding flock. But we do.

Because EVERY life matters to us.

We have pledged to treat all of our animals with Christ-like compassion and respect. We work with an amazing team of Equine and Avian Veterinarians as well as other animal health specialist.

Additionally, we have pledged to not engage in the practice of culling birds due to the lack of market. Instead, we go out of our way to find loving homes for all of our birdie friends!

And our people…

we LOVE our people!

The cool thing about being a smaller business, is that it affords us the opportunity to really bond with our customers. And if there’s one thing we absolutely love about this business, it’s the joy we share with people as they start their chicken-parenting adventure! And if you just so happen to be a kiddo getting your first chickens, we are even MORE excited to help you find your perfect chickies! (And not that we don’t strive to make our adult customers happy… kids are just more cute!)

Lastly (and SO importantly!), we are committed to leaving the world a better place with our farming practices.


We integrate gentle, traditional farming techniques with the environment sparing technologies of today. To that end, we operate:

• 100% Organically

• Reduce, reuse and recycle as much as possible

• Minimize our non-water permeable footprint

• And are on target to becoming fully solar powered by the year 2030!